Perfect Blue: Mima's Mind
In 1997, Satoshi Kon directed a Japanese animated psychological thriller film, written by Sadayuki Murai, that would change the way we see horror in animation. Based off the novel Perfect Blue: Complete Metamorphosis by Yoshikazu Takeuchi, Satoshi Kon plays with the audience's mind as we follow the main character, Mima Kirigoe, a member of a small Japanese idol group, who decides to leave her idol career and transition to the world of acting. Not everyone was happy with her sudden decision to quit the music industry. The situation escalates as she goes further into her acting career, where she would receive threats, becomes a victim of stalking, and gruesome murders suddenly occur. Soon enough Mima starts to lose sense of what is real and what is just in her imagination. Unfortunately, many of the scenes that happen in this show are based off true events in the entertainment industry. Mima is a very sweet and innocent girl who holds high standards for herself as she st...